Congo is in the air.

Ghent, 27/01/2010 Can’t you smell it? Congo is in the air… When I met the man displayed on Polaroid here above, two summers ago we had something in common. I started out this little blog and he just started out touring with his new solo album HOTEL IMPALA after leaving his Liège city based first […]
One for All, All for one Polaroid.

Lokerse Feesten, 07/08/2009. It doesn’t hàve to be difficult. Sometimes the hustle isn’t necessary. Sometimes, you just have to depend on your instincts. Simple. Baloji for example. Baloji is a Belgian artist and just released his first solo album, an autobiography called ‘Hotel Impala’. He was scheduled to perform right before N.E.R.D. and I hoped I could […]