Talking about an instant surprise? Your eyes ain’t lying, this is indeed Thomas Wesley Pentz, aka DIPLO. It’s practically impossible to be unfamiliar with this trouble maker, but I’ll be more than happy to spill the beans about this character for the very few people who do not know the man polarized here above. If God really […]
RYE!RYE! (wassup, wassuuup)

Miami, 25/03/2010 FINALLY! A WOMAN. Man is it hàrd to get the females on this little blog (!?) but we are getting there. Step by step. Meet Ryeisha Berrain from Baltimore , also known as RYE RYE. If that name rings a bell then that’s completely normal, since Rye Rye is M.I.A‘s young protégé for […]
Caught Out There.

Miami, 25/03/2010 *big grin* If you are not familiar with the gorgeous, bootylicious, dazzling individual nicely polarized above… then I guess you’re just not that into Milkshake. You might Trick her once, but she Caught your cheating ass out there , in the meantime she brings back all the boys to the yard, providing them […]